
Leeuwenborch, building number 201

The Leeuwenborch is a recently renovated building on the south side of Wageningen Campus. It is named after the old neighbourhood that used to be situated in the area. It contains a large array of teaching facilities and catering establishments, as well as a branch of the Wageningen University & Research Library.

Address Hollandseweg 1
Building 201
6706 KN Wageningen
Tel. +31 (0)317 48 36 39
Visiting hours Monday - Friday
07:00 - 20:30
Saturday & Sunday
  Email: receptie.leeuwenborch@wur.nl

Irregular opening hours summer period

The Leeuwenborch has irregular opening hours in the summer period. Download an overview to learn more:

About The Leeuwenborch

The Leeuwenborch was designed by W.R. de Vries and built in 1974 to house the social sciences chair groups. The main design of the building incorporated a central heart linking three wings above a plateau. Under the plateau were stores and technical areas and above it were the libraries, lecture halls and a canteen.