
Orion, building number 103

Orion is one of the education buildings of Wageningen University & Research. The foundation stone for Orion was laid at the beginning of 2011. With a GreenCalc score of over 480 it is one of the most energy-efficient buildings on the Wageningen Campus. This score is mainly achieved through efficient use of sustainable energy.

Address Bronland 1
Building 103
6708 WH Wageningen
Tel. +31 (0) 317 48 87 77
Visiting hours Monday - Thursday
8:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 18:00
  Email: receptie.orion@wur.nl

Irregular opening hours summer period

Orion has irregular opening hours in the summer period. Download an overview to learn more:

About The Spot

Student café The Spot is open until 10 pm every weekday evening. If you’re looking for somewhere to meet your friends, watch TV, play a board game or table tennis, or just have a relaxing drink, consider yourself welcome in the Spot.