EUFORE project presents first version of forest SRIA
On 16 May from 14.00 to 16.00 hours the EUFORE project will present the first version of the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for forests and the forest-based sector. The SRIA is developed under the EUFORE project and creates a solid collaborative basis for a European Partnership on Forestry.
EUFORE supports the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research Strategic Working Group on Forests and Forestry Research and Innovation – SCAR FOREST – which is developing a European Partnership on Forestry.
The draft SRIA can be downloaded via this link https://eufore.eu/sria-draft/.
Please find the agenda here.
The European Forest Research and Innovation Ecosystem (EUFORE) is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Union, running from November 2022 to October 2026.
The overarching ambition of EUFORE is to greatly improve the sector’s research and innovation funding and governance structure. EUFORE brings together the entire value chain of forests and the forest based sector in Europe, wood products, wild forest products, regulating ecosystem services, cultural ecosystem services.