ICT AGRI-FOOD announces joint call for research projects in ICT, AI, Data topics in agriculture
The ERA-NET ICT-AGRI-FOOD has announced a research call for proposals under the topic of “Towards transformation of agri-food systems for the benefit of planetary health, consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain using data-based systems and ICT technologies”.
The scientific scope of the call addresses collaborative projects in 4 research topics:
Topic 1 - Artificial intelligence (AI) Tools for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems
Topic 2 - Post-industrial agriculture: the best knowledge, digital technologies for reviving and strengthening best practices for regenerative agriculture
Topic 3 - Smart decision-making and reflection systems in farming
Topic 4 – Open topic addressing a number of relevant topics
The deadline for full proposal submission is June 20, 13:00h CEST.
Note: There will be a webinar for applicants on 24th of April 2024, 10:00h CEST. You can register for the webinar using the following link:
Registration Webinar 24-04-2024.
The slides of the webinar will ba available after the webinar under the "Call Documents".
All relevant documents are available from Call page
ICT-AGRI-FOOD is a European Research Area (ERA) network of national and regional funding organisations that promotes and funds European research, development and innovation projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems, offering innovative opportunities for the entire food value chain.