SYSTEMIC final symposium
An integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition
The SYSTEMIC project is a network of researchers to better understand food and nutrition security in a changing environment. The SYSTEMIC network has brought together scientists and practitioners from different disciplines and expertise on different parts of the food system to explore cross-cutting solutions, identify knowledge gaps and develop pathways for a food system transformation, which is climate-resilient and able to cope with societal challenges.
The aim of the SYSTEMIC project was to develop a joint vision for the development of an integrated food system for continuous improvement in sustainability at production, consumption, and public health.
More information
Join the webinar via this link (no registration needed):
ID de reunión: 851 4256 6798
Código de acceso: 114788
More information about the SYSTEMIC project
More information about the Food and Nutrition Security Knowledge Hub call
10:00 Welcome and introduction
10:10 SYSTEMIC presentation by coordinators
10:55 Q&A session
11:15 Round table discussion
12:30 End of symposium
In 2019 a Knowledge Hub call under the ERA-HDHL framework was launched. The call is a collaboration between JPI HDHL, FACCE JPI and JPI Oceans. Eight funding countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, LAtvia, Norway, Portugal and Spain) have made this project possible.