Wageningen Youth Institute finals March 2023
On Thursday, March 16, a group of students came to the Wageningen Campus for the finals of the Wageningen Youth Institute 2023.
During the final, students spoke about solving food security problems with each other and experts. The essays that the students had written on a topic of their choice were assessed prior to the talks by experts Lotte Demmink, Project Manager R&D at Koppert and Abigail Turner of the World Food Prize Foundation.
Campus programme
Four Dutch students and one international student presented their advice to Coordinator of WYI Mirjam Troost and Lotte Demmink. Interesting conversations were held and watched by teachers and accompanying parents. After these round table discussions, the group went on a tour in the greenhouses of UniFarm, guided by Floor Hogendoorn, a former participant of the Wageningen Youth Institute and thus officially a Borlaug Scholar.
After the tour, the Borlaug certificates were awarded, which also makes the participants of this sixth edition of the Wageningen Youth Institute Borlaug Scholars. The day ended with an informal drink where good conversations were held between former participants / Borlaug scholars, current participants, experts and teachers and parents. This showed that it was an inspiring and very successful afternoon at Wageningen Campus for both young and old.
Experts Lotte and Abigail had the difficult task to select a winner based on the written essay and the round table discussions. Ultimately, the choice fell on Elise van den Berg with her research on ‘How water pollution affects food security in rural Ecuador'. Congratulations! You will visit the Global Youth Institute in Des Moines, Iowa, United States.
Participating next year?
Interested in participating in the Wageningen Youth Institute yourself? As a student you can sign up for writing a global challenge essay on our WYI website. For teachers there is the opportunity to participate with the whole class. If interested, you can send an email to info@wageningenyouthistitute@wur.nl
Spreakers and experts
- Lotte Demmink, Koppert
- Abigail Turner, World Food Prize Foundation
- Mirjam Troost, Wageningen Youth Institute