Start construction of student housing Campus East in 2025
Construction of 250 student housing units at Mansholtlaan on Campus East is expected to begin early in 2025. An agreement for this has been signed by student housing provider Idealis, builder Van Wijnen Arnhem and Moke Architects. Together, these parties will further develop the design for the Mansholtlaan.
These student houses will mark the start of the new Campus East in Wageningen, which will provide space for education, science, knowledge-intensive businesses and essential student housing. The first students are expected to move here in the 2026-2027 academic year.
Campus East
Wageningen Campus is expanding eastward. More and more knowledge-intensive organizations are asking to physically become part of the Wageningen ecosystem in order to contribute to, among other things, the global issue of the protein transition and other issues in the areas of food production, healthy nutrition, living environment and climate.

The zoning plan therefore includes space for knowledge-intensive and research-related activities. 'The plans for Campus East take into account the greenest possible layout, as well as high standards of sustainability and mobility’, according to Lex Roders, property project manager at Wageningen University & Research (WUR). 'At WUR, we are happy with the start of this cooperation around student housing because this will provide more good housing to students.’
Living on Mansholtlaan
The new building on Mansholtlaan consists of 250 student homes with high-quality facilities, where students live independently or with each other. Meeting and being together is central to the design. To this end, communal spaces as well as study areas, a garden room and garden seating areas will be created. The nature-inclusive (indoor) garden will be decorated, among other things, with trees and plants that bloom throughout the year and provide animals with the necessary nutrition.