EELRIC is a collaborative initiative between Stichting Duurzame Palingsector Nederland (DUPAN) and Wageningen Livestock Research (WLR).
The aim of EELRIC is to function as a platform for the reproduction of eel in captivity and home for an international consortium of partners sharing experience and collaborating to create breakthroughs.
EELRIC international consortium
On October 20, 2016, a symposium was organized with the title ‘Towards reproduction of eel in captivity to support sustainable aquaculture’ at the campus of Wageningen University & Research in The Netherlands. Participants presented their recent research on this topic. Under ‘downloads’ the abstract book of the symposium. The symposium was part of a workshop and prelude to a meeting to shape and establish international collaboration within the Eel Reproduction Innovation Centre (EELRIC). Its objectives were discussed and it was explored how such international collaboration could be established.
Participants were eager to collaborate and to join the international EELRIC consortium. Terms of reference were defined:
- Scientific collaboration is required in overcoming bottlenecks, such as first larval feeding, rapidly.
- EELRIC can serve as home for an international consortium of science and industry partners.
- The collaborative integration of background and foreground knowledge should not be a problem. EELRIC collaboration has an open character but protection of background knowledge, not foreground knowledge, could be arranged in confidentiality agreements.
- We can collaborate by the exchange of scientists (early stage and staff), materials and protocols.
- Every year there should be an EELRIC workshop.
- We as EELRIC consortium should lobby for funding collaborative opportunities on eel reproduction.