Short-Term Scientific Missions
STSM coordinator: Marie-Laure Bégout (FR)
- STSM Bozidar Raskovic:Is swimming linked to oxidative stress in fish? (213,48 kb)
- STSM Paolo Domenici: The swimming behaviour and activity patterns of the argentine sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata, and bioenergetic implications (226,06 kb)
- STSM Inge van der Knaap: Critical swim speed and oxygen consumption of Atlantic cod (Gadus Morhua) internally tagged with an accelerometer sensor (672,94 kb)
- STSM Daan Mes: Using sustained exercise to enhance brain plasticity, cognition and foraging behaviour in Atlantic salmon. (195 kb)
- STSM Patrícia Gomes Ferreira: Limiting maximum metabolic rate: is osmorespiratory compromise playing a major role? (875,79 kb)
- STSM Katja Anttila: The cardiorespiratory ability of Arctic char and brown trout to respond to environmental warming (341,2 kb)
- STSM Caroline Navjord: Effects of size on optimal swimming speed and cost of transport in rainbow trout, and implications for their use as variables in exercise induced growth improvement (371,56 kb)
- STSM Pauline Jéhannet: Gaining insights about the initiation of vitellogenesis by comparing the early vitellogenic shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) to the previtellogenic European eel (A. anguilla) (353,96 kb)
- STSM Katarina Tošić: to Danube Delta to study Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) during migration (582,34 kb)
- STSM Božidar Rašković: Physiology of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) swimming in low environmental concentration of ammonia (74,08 kb)
- STSM Marco Graziano: Evaluation of the effects of sustained swimming on male reproductive development and potential application of swimming to control early maturation in male sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (185,43 kb)
- STSM Sonia Rey Planellas: Assessing the influence of individual variation in coping styles on swimming performance in zebrafish (834,62 kb)
- STSM Marija Smederevac-Lalić: Application of high tech sonar techniques for the monitoring of fish migrations in the Danube River (511,72 kb)
- STSM Beata Schmidt: DIDSON training course (165,41 kb)
- STSM Carlos Alexandre: The effects of abrupt temperature variation on the swimming physiology of Atlantic salmon (139,18 kb)