Coordination and support action CASA
From 2016 to 2019, SCAR has been supported through a coordination and support action (CSA) named CASA. The overall objective of CASA was a consolidated common agricultural and wider bioeconomy research agenda within the European Research Area. This to be achieved through enhanced cooperation, coordination and information exchange between the Member States, the associated countries and the EC. Wageningen University and Research has been involved in this initiative.
The overarching aim of CASA was achieved through the accomplishment of the following 4 specific objectives: (i) increased and broadened participation, interaction and collaboration between Member States and EC in the different SCAR bodies; (ii) improved quality of uitputs and outcomes of SCAR; (iii) strengthening the production of more strategic policy advice, and (iv) improved overall organisation, communication and dissemination of SCAR activities and outputs.
Some key deliverables of CASA:
Report Bioeconomy Research & Innovation Policy Landscape in Europe: A Review
Workshops and meetings:

- SCAR Conference 2017 "Research and innovation policy, state-of-play and the role of SCAR in the European Bioeconomy", Tallinn, 4-5 Dec. 2017
- SCAR Conference 2019 "Contributing to shape the future", Brussels, 12 June 2019
- CASA SCAR national meeting Spain, Madrid, 10-11 May 2017
- CASA SCAR national meeting Bulgaria, Sofia, 28 February 2018
- CASA SCAR national meetin Hungary, Budapest, 25 April 2018
- CASA SCAR national meeting Greece, Athens, 24 May 2018
- CASA SCAR national meeting Italy, Rome, 29 May 2018
- CASA SCAR national meeting Poland, Warsaw, 14 November 2018
- CASA SCAR Baltic workshop on SCAR and Bioeconomy Strategies, Riga, 4-5 April 2019
- Workshop on Programming Research and Innovation for Improved Impact, Rome, 6 April 2018
SCAR newsletters:

First newsletter SCAR - First half-year 2017
Second newsletter SCAR - Second half-year 2017
Third newsletter SCAR - First half-year 2018
Fourth newsletter SCAR - Second half-year 2018
Fifth newsletter SCAR - First half-year 2019ssf
Studies for SCAR Groups
- A meta-analysis of recent foresight documents in support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise - Part 1 (Foresight Group)
- A meta-analysis of recent foresight documents in support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise - Key Messages (Foresight Group)
- A meta-analysis of recent foresight documents in support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise - Key Messages updated (Foresight Group)
- A meta-analysis of recent foresight documents in support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise - Part 2 (Foresight Group)
- Inventory of Research and Innovation Infrastructures improving knowledge flows in the field of Agriculture (SWG AKIS)
- Synergies among EU funds in the field of research and Innovation in Agriculture (SWG AKIS)
- Exploring digital aspects for AKIS 5th mandate (SWG AKIS)
- MS AKIS implementing tools to bridge between research and practice (SWG AKIS)
- Global implications of the European Food System – A food systems approach (SWG ARCH): the report and the Factsheet
- Strategic Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (SWG Bioeconomy)
- Synthesis on bioeconomy monitoring systems in EU Member States (Acronym: MontBioeco) (SWG Bioeconomy)
- State of Play of Central and Eastern Europe’s Bioeconomies (SWG Bioeconomy)
- Strengthening Fish Welfare Research through a Gap analysis study (SWG SCAR Fish & CWG AHW)
- Disease prevention in farmed fish: new developments and research needs (SWG Fish) (ongoing)
- Overview and synthesis of existing Food Systems studies and research projects in Europe (SWG Food Systems)
- Assessment of Research and Innovation on Food Systems by European Member States - Policy and Funding Analysis (SWG Food Systems)
- Synthesis on forest bioeconomy research and innovation in Europe (SWG Forest)
- Assessment of ERA-NETs and COST Actions in the EU forest-based sector (SWG Forest)
- Research and innovation on digitization and robotization in the forest-based sector (SWG Forest) (ongoing)
- Updating of Strategical Research Agenda on animal health Research Needs (CWG AHW)
- Drivers of change and development in the EU livestock sector - Meta Analysis as basis for future scenarion building (CWG SAP)