Opportunities in Eurasia
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Dairy chain: cattle genetics, feeds and feed supplements, equipment like new and reconditioned bulk tanks, dairy processing equipment, services, and laboratory equipment for improvement of milk quality. Expertise and knowledge related to farm management (particularly on large scale farms) and animal health control (among others control of contagious animal diseases) and capacity building in the dairy chain are in demand.
- Improvements in feeding, breeding and housing (good farming practices) in various dairy/milk-producing and poultry production systems.
- Animal disease control programs - Adaptation to EU regulations.
- Manure management to reduce water pollution - especially in the poultry industry.
- Training and education - Demand driven capacity development for the various animal productionssystems, with emphasis on practical training.
- Support to the organic sector – e.g. for export to the EU.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Training and skill development focused on entrepreneurship and competencies at farm level; including theoretical and practical skills, management skills and market intelligence.
- Support large-scale systems in finding ways to produce more efficiently, at lower cost in order for them to be competitive with the rest of the world after WTO accession - state-of-art equipment cold stores, high yielding breeds, organisation of supply chain and infrastructure.
- Further vertical integration along the livestock value chains, with processing industry acquiring interests not only in their suppliers (livestock farms), but also in supplier of their suppliers (i.e. integrating concentrate feed production) and distributors (integrating retail).
- Support the production of feed-ingredients so as to limit the need for the import of soy and other feed-ingredients from other countries.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
China is focusing on mega-farms for food-security, but needs to build experience in this direction.
- Provision of inputs, services, and technical support for all animal production systems in the field of food safety, disease control, breeding, feeding, mechanisation, water and energy management and supply chain development; combinations that promote sustainability and transparency
- Organic production systems, building on new trends for direct marketing and shortening food chains
- Local food production for the local population
- Support manure management systems
- Food safety
- Training and education.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
Dairy - Raising production of animal proteins in India depends to a large extent raising milk production. The Government of India has embarked on an ambitious World Bank funded National Dairy Plan aimed at doubling milk production between 2012 and 2027.
- manufacturing and marketing of dairy products
- designing, developing and supplying equipment for large scale farms and processing units
- growing demand for farm mechanisation
- genetic improvement
- fodder seeds
- feed production
- milk collection and processing: cooling equipment, quality control
- training and education.
Meat production:
- slaughterhouse equipment
- raising, fattening beef animals, especially buffalo’s
- genetic improvement in pigs
- feed production
- manure management
- disease control: vaccine production
- training and education.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Dairy supply chains - There is room for improvement at every level of the dairy value chain: equipment, veterinary services, genetics, farm management, value-added dairy products; expansion of milk sourcing for dairy processors; support to moderately-sized to large-scale systems for urban supply - with emphasis on closing nutrient cycles, soil fertility and fodder supply; inclusion of smallholders in modern value chains and increasing their productivity; establishment of Education, Research and Information facilities for dairy farmers.
- Pork supply chains - Large pork integrations offer opportunities for suppliers of genetics, equipment, manure handling, processing equipment, and chain control systems; support to small-scale VAC systems, for example with marketing support for ‘niche products’ originating from local pig breeds with reliable traceability systems; improvement of biogas systems.
- Poultry supply chains - processing and packing of meat, slaughter equipment, breeding, feeding, farm design and farm supplies, and training; more commercial farms offer a market for suppliers of genetics, equipment, and inputs.
- Feed industry - Expansion of market for feeds and feed supplements.
- Waste management - Knowledge and technology on environmentally friendly waste management (nutrient cycling, technology).
- Food safety promotion - Knowledge and technology on quality assurance systems, including tracking and tracing systems (I&R), quality analysis equipment, control of use of antibiotics, chemicals, and other residues, and inspection and enforcement systems. Support to preventive control, including laboratories for animal feeds and other inputs.
- Disease control (HPAI, FMD, pig diseases) is becoming more important, offering opportunities for further cooperation on control programs; with sufficient interest from the private sector the on-going cooperation on Avian Influenza could be expanded; FAO is interested in cooperating on AI vaccine production.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Value chain development - improving local dairy value chains (milk production, collection); quality assurance and traceability systems for niche products of local poultry breeds
- Provision of feed inputs, equipment and genetic material (poultry, dairy)
- Provision of knowledge of methodologies for disease control and food safety -, especially on Avian Influenza and New Castle Disease
- Waste management - energy from manure (bio gas, nutrient cycling)
- Vocational training of actors in the value chains.
Suggested reading
- van der Lee et al. 2013. Livestock, the Dutch, and the world. A quick scan of opportunities in livestock production in nine countries, Wageningen UR Livestock Research.
- van ‘t Hooft, 2013. Country reports for Livestock, the World and the Dutch, Wageningen UR Livestock Research.
- Wijnands et al., 2013. Dutch business opportunities in the Russian agrifood sector - Animal protein sector and Moscow Metropolitan fresh food chain. Wageningen UR.
- The Russian paradox. Dutch business opportunities in the Russian agrifood sector.
- Henk-Jan Lesker. 2012 The Vietnamese pork sector and the opportunities for Dutch agribusinesses. Internship report
- FAO, 2014. Dairy Asia – Towards Sustainability; Proceedings of an international consultation held in Bangkok, Thailand, 21–23 May 2014
- FAO, 2005. Livestock sector brief: Turkey. FAO Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch AGAL.
- Wouters and van Berkum, 2010. Turkey's Dairy Supply Chain - A dairy supply chain in transition. Wageningen UR.
- The India opportunity – Dairy and Dairy equipment’s. Rabo India Finance Ltd, 2009.
- Jongeneel et.al, 2013. Prospects for EU-India Dairy. TAPSIM.