Following is a list of downloadable journal articles, conference papers and presentations on switchgrass.
Publications 2013
- Elbersen, Wolter, Ronald Poppens and Rob Bakker. 2013. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) A perennial biomass grass for efficient production of feedstock for the biobased economy. Poster presentation at 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen. (601,39 kb)
- Elbersen, Wolter, Ronald Poppens and Rob Bakker. 2013. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). A perennial biomass grass for efficient production of feedstock for the biobased economy. June 2013. A report for the Netherlands Programmes Sustainable Biomass of NL Agency. (2,18 mb)
- Elbersen H.W. and M. Kulyk. 2013. Switchgrass Ukraine. Overview of switchgrass research and guidelines. Pellets for Power project. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research. (805,35 kb)
Publications 2012
- Elbersen Wolter. 2012. Manipulating biomass ash content and ash quality in herbaceous biomass. 3rd Biomass Trade and Power Conference. Brussels, 24 February 2012. (1,29 mb)
- Lesschen, J.P., W. Elbersen, R. Poppens, M. Galytskaya, M. Kulyk and L. Lerminiaux. The financial and greenhouse gas cost of avoiding ILUC in biomass sourcing - A comparison between switchgrass produced with and without ILUC in Ukraine. In. Eur. Biomass Conf. June 18-23 2012. Milan. (57,06 kb)
Publications 2011
Publications 2010
Publications 2005
Publications 2004
Publication 2003
Publication 2001
- Elbersen, H.W. B. de Klerk, M. Eker, R. de Koning, N van de Windt, and A. Wintjes (2001). Switch on! A design plan to introducé energy crop cultivation in the landscape. In: 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry, Sevilla Spain, 5-9 June 2000. Pages 1358-1361. James & James (Science publishers) Ltd.
Publications 1999
Publication 1998
- Elbersen, H.W., W.R. Ocumpaugh, M.A. Hussey, M.A. Sanderson and C.R. Tischler, 1998 Crown node elevation of switchgrass and kleingrass under low light. Crop Sci. 38:712-716.